Welcome to my creative playground, I'm
Simranjeet Kaur

I harness the power of modern web development and data analysis to deliver intuitive and data-driven solutions. By merging cutting-edge technology with insightful analytics, I help employers and clients make informed decisions and achieve their business goals.

Top Skills

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • javascript

  • Python

  • SQL

  • git

  • Data Visualization


  1. I will honor my promise to the best of my ability.

  2. I promise to only accept clients whom I believe I can genuinely help

  3. I will treat my clients with respect and respond to them in a timely manner


  • What's one word that best describes you?


  • What's a catchy nickname or title for you?


  • Why should clients want to work with you?

    I fill my employers expectations and satisfy my customers need.

  • What's a quote that represents who you are?

    Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

  • What motivates you?

    Perfect Design


  • confident

  • friendly

  • energetic

Simranjeet Kaur


  • Elon Musk

    Elon Musk

    Tech visionary and SpaceX founder, Elon Musk is a household name. His ventures like Tesla and SpaceX have transformed industries. Known for ambitious ideas and bold moves, Musk continues to push boundaries and inspire innovation worldwide.

  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates

    One of the most iconic figures in tech, Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft. He revolutionized personal computing and later became a major philanthropist. Known for his immense wealth and charitable work, his impact on technology and global health is undeniable. Gates continues to influence the world in numerous ways.

  • Coco Chanel

    Coco Chanel

    Absolutely iconic, Coco Chanel revolutionized fashion with elegance and simplicity. Known for the timeless Chanel No. 5 perfume, she also introduced the classic little black dress. Her influence extended beyond clothing, embodying a lifestyle of chic sophistication. Coco's legacy continues to inspire modern fashion.


Here are some brands I admire:

  • Amazon delivers convenience at your doorstep. They offer everything from gadgets to groceries, all with just a click. Their customer service is top-notch, ensuring a smooth shopping experience every time.

  • Microsoft redefines innovation with every product they release. They're your go-to for reliable software and cutting-edge technology. Their commitment to empowering users is simply unmatched.

  • They make searching the web a breeze with their intuitive design. Their colorful logo is instantly recognizable worldwide. From maps to emails, they keep everyone's digital life organized and connected.


  • WebDevelopment

  • DataAnalytics

  • FrontEndDevelopment

  • DataVisualization

  • WebApplications

  • DatabaseManagement

  • Python

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • Flask

  • Tableau